Random Friday #17

Oh hey it’s been forever, and I’m out of platitudes about how busy I’ve been and why I haven’t been blogging because I used them all the last time I returned from a long hiatus.  So I won’t try to insult you and make up more, I’m just gonna jump right into it!

About two weeks ago Nick and I went to the Hank Williams Jr concert here in Greenville and fulfilled a life long dream of mine.  A few years ago I had an opportunity to see him in concert and didn’t, and have relentlessly complained about it since. Not this time!

Me, my still bafflingly short hair, and Nick

I would include a photo of the actual concert here but we tailgated pretty hard and all I have are blurry shaky videos that no one enjoys watching.

The concert was awesome but also a shitshow, the likes of which I haven’t seen since FallFest my senior year at WVU. There was the normal puking/stumbling but also a pretty epic 20 person fight that broke out near us.


I did a lot of reading on a recent trip to the Caymans (oh yeah, since we last talked we spontaneously booked and went on another trip to the Cayman Islands).

I went to Barnes and Noble for the first time in forever and I forgot how much I like real books! I find them to be so much easier for traveling (don’t need to charge them) and for the beach (don’t have to care about getting them wet).  I tried to get two fun books and a classic. I went with these three:

Good Girl – random story but I actually realized about 10 pages in that I already had this book digitally and had already read it, so I gave it to my sister in law. Then this week I was reading a description on iBooks and almost bought it AGAIN. Apparently the synopsis of this book really calls to me and I just want to throw more money at it.  Needless to say I really really like it and would recommend it.

The Light Between Oceans – this book was ok. I didn’t love it and it wasn’t as “twisty” as I usually like.

Wuthering Heights – these two are the worst communicators ever right?  And two of the whiniest whiners who ever whines. I’m forcing myself and rolling my eyes through this one.


Nick has been working late this week so I’m having to wait on our usual shows until we can watch them together.

So instead I’m rewatching shows I’ve seen again, which Nick hates doing. I’m in the later seasons of The Office and realizing just how unlikeable Andy is.


I have no photos to share of food I’ve eaten this week but I’m trying really hard to get back on the healthy train. A combination of traveling and crazy work hours has taken a toll on my routine and my pants do not like me right now.

I made a Chicken/Sweet Potato/Cauliflower Curry and a Zucchini Lasagna. Both super delicious and healthy, I’d make them again.


Since the last time we talked we had our Germany/Austria/Hungary trip and our jaunt to the Cayman Islands. I also went to Shreveport, Louisiana to visit my brother and enjoyed some crawfish and Southern food.

Cornbread with Crawfish Etouffe on top

And right now I have no big upcoming trips on the schedule and it’s making me really sad.
Help me plan a new trip. Where in the world would you go right now if you could go anywhere?

Random Friday #16

WELL I am back in Wilmington for the weekend and just completed my last drive this way (from Greenville) for the forseeable future.  We had a whirlwind of a week and visited some new home sites, signed an apartment lease, picked up the keys, bought a new mattress, etc.  I think we did something every night this week, which is my least favorite kind of week.

But I’m doing ok, lest you think I’m perishing under the pressure of an easy routine move where a lot of things are taken care of for us, because starting on Sunday we will be in a new permanent(ish) apartment and my time in hotels is coming to a sweet end.  I will have an actual kitchen and my own bed and I won’t have to eat breakfast with a room of strangers.  Life is good.

On a sad note, it’s my last weekend in Wilmington for a while.  I’m planning on hitting the beach and saying a long goodbye and having an epic Wilmington food fest.

Reading:  Hahaha, nah, nothing to see here.  I’m hoping I’ll be able to read more starting next week when my life will be stable.  I don’t even have any interesting articles to share.  The only thing my brain was able to handle this week was scrolling through Instagram and looking at pretty pictures.

On that note, my new favorite instagram follow is Ina Garten.  I feel like she likes to get down (at least for a rich white woman who lives in the Hamptons).

If I know Jeffrey, he is EXCITED.


Watching: GAME OF THRONES.  Warning, spoilers ahead.  

OMG Why is Jon Snow still dead.  Nick and I totally thought the last scene of the episode would be him coming back to life.  Ghost’s wailing really bummed me out.  And thank fuck something halfway decent actually happened to Sansa.  I love Brienne.  And I have such mixed feelings about halfway liking Theon/Reek in this episode.  It’s such a different experience to watch the show without having any sort of a clue about what’s coming.  I kind of hate it but it’s kind of exhilarating.

Listening: I’m really giving away exactly how lame I am with this admission, but I’ve been in an late 80’s/early 90’s country kind of mood.  I downloaded a few Randy Travis and Travis Tritt songs.  My fav being “I’m gonna be somebody”.

travis tritt
This mullet has NOTHING on my 8 yr old mullet.

Eating: Well it was more hotel food this week.  I intended to do a WIAW this week to show all of my hotel meals, but I got as far as taking a pic of my breakfast and promptly forgot to take a pic of lunch.  Sorry, though you probably dodged a bullet there.  Anyway, here is my crappy breakfast.

Greek yogurt, tomato slices and a piece of toast with cheese and a (probably fake) egg patty on top.

Traveling:  I started my list of things to do.  I got like two items on the list for our first location, but considering all of the other shit we did this week, I think I totally deserve a pat on the back.

Or a five, whatever.

Workouts:  I worked out once this week.  ONCE.  And that is all I have to say about that.  I’m so looking forward to being in a more stable routine next week.


What is your favorite item at a typical hotel breakfast buffet?  What key things do I need to remember to bring at our new apartment?  Will you help me pack?



Catching up on the Little Stuff

So now that we caught up on all of the major life events of the last couple months, allow me to fill you in on all of the mundane events that you thought you dodged a bullet on.  This is in no particular order of importance, and in fact only one of these things can objectively be classified as “important”.

1. I got a terrible, terrible haircut.  I’ve been in the long, excruciating process of growing my hair out since May of last year when I got an ill-advised long bob.

B&A from last May, so sorry for the selfies.

Unfortunately my hair is just so GD thick, when it’s short it just tends to get really poofy.  And ultimately takes wayyy more effort to style than I’m willing to put into it.  Thus began the dreaded grow-out.

I went in for a trim, and walked out with this. 

what in the actual f*&$

This was me, but with more tears

To be able to “fix” it, they had to take a lot of length off, so I’m currently rocking an even shorter LOB than I started with and I’m scarred for life.  The End.

2. I didn’t end up running that half marathon.  In fact, I stopped running or working out with any sort of regularity for a while.  I’ve been trying here and there as I can, but with all of the driving and the stress, I’ve been doing a lot more sitting and eating.  A lootttt more.  I’m trying not to worry about it too much, as much as I like eating healthy and working out there are some phases of life where it’s just not feasible.  And I’m not going to beat myself up about it.  But I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t looking forward into getting back to my normal routine in the near(ish?) future.

Current Activity Level

3. My niece Lillian was born!  This is more of a major event than belongs on this list, but I can’t wait any longer to gush about it.  She’s pretty cute.  My two favorite things about her are her exquisite RBF (resting baby face) and her utter lack of shame regarding flatulence.  I am a very mature person.

This was pre-haircut

4. I got my drunk Groupon massage and it was just ok.  I know, all of that ceiling work for NOTHING.  Especially now that we are moving…  But the lady was really rough (I did ask her to be lighter a few times to no avail), it reminded me of the Friends episode where Monica was giving everyone massages and they were terrible.


5. I tried to think of five things to have a nice number for the list, but I can’t even think of five minorly interesting things that have happened to me, so I’ll just wrap this up.

minority-report  minority report boring unfortunately youre really boring