Obligatory First Post

Is there anything worse/more awkward than a first blog post?

Awkward hello_Austin Powers


Yikes.  I didn’t think so.

One of my favorite guilty pleasures is to dig deep in the archives of my favorite blogs and read their first post(s).  I love seeing the “big” bloggers that I love to read as little baby bloggers, awkward and unsure of themselves.  I love the basic layouts, the sometimes terrible pictures. I love the basic writing, the excited, yet timid declarations of what the blog will be.  I think part of what fascinates me so much is watching someone take a big, scary (at least to an extreme introvert like yours truly) step and introduce themselves to the world.


I’ve toyed with the idea of blogging for years (and cringe to think what those blogs would look like if I had run with my past ideas).  The big push that caused me to finally start is traveling.  I’ve been on a couple of big (for me) trips recently and am REALLY jazzed about the thought of having every aspect, down to the minute detail, documented for future-me to read back on.  Will it be interesting to the general public?  Probably not (definitely not),  but I’m sure me and maybe like, two other people will be glad it’s out there!

So who am I?  I am a 28 year old married lady living in Wilmington, North Carolina.  My husband and I have been married for two years now, dating for almost 10 (whaaat?!).  I grew up a Navy brat and am not really from any one place in particular, but I consider West Virginia (Parkersburg and Morgantown) and Virginia Beach to be places near and dear to my (cold black) heart.

My biggest hobbies are traveling (when I can afford it) and working out/eating healthy (when I’m not on the couch watching Netflix).  I am not an expert in ANY of these areas, which honestly kept me from starting a blog for a long, long time.  But I’m coming to realize that my favorite blogs aren’t always the expert ones.  I love to see how people work these things into everyday life with full-time jobs.  So I decided to write what I like to read, and maybe, someday, someone other than my sister-in-law and mom will like it too!

Nick and I in Venice! Trip recap to come.