Random Friday #13

So, I’m a little somber this Friday.  Last night Nick reminded me that I had agreed that we would refinish (remove the popcorn) and paint our kitchen ceiling this weekend.  I completely forgot said agreement, and was looking forward to a weekend of doing nothing.  When he asked me when we were going to start taping stuff off, I felt like this:

loki crying

kim k crying

tobias crying

anne hath crying.gif

Needless to say, my weekend will be unfun and full of housework, so let me live vicariously through you and tell me all about your exciting and/or leisurely plans!!

Reading: I finished up The Girl on the Train, and I really enjoyed it.  Unlike most Gillian Flynn books (it was compared to Gone Girl quite a bit), it actually had a somewhat satisfying resolution, so that was nice.  Now I’m looking for my next read.  I have two books checked out from the library right now, but one of them is a YA novel, which I’m not particularly in the mood for.  And the other is a historical fiction, but I’m very much in a creepy/mystery/thriller place right now.  Decisions, decisions.

Here are some interesting articles I read on the interwebs this week:

  • 7 things never to talk about – Ha, guilty of so many of these, but especially the route talk.  It’s my small talk go-to.
  • Are you an abstainer or a moderator? – I am most definitely a moderator.  I find it easier to stay on track with good habits when I let myself be “bad” every now and then.
  • Why the Government’s Definition of “Healthy” Doesn’t Work – I’m a believer that everyone has their own criteria for what is healthy.  What works for one person doesn’t necessarily work for another, so it’s an odd concept to have a government sanctioned definition of healthy and that can’t be an easy job.  But it seems pretty ludicrous that they are going after something like KIND bars.  It’s nuts and fruits for god’s sake.


Watching: I’ve pretty much abandoned Making a Murderer on Netflix, because I inadvertently found out how it ends, and I’m not as into it now.  I wasn’t super into it to begin with though.  We started watching Arrow, but I’m feeling pretty meh about that too.  I’m having trouble getting past the slight cheese factor that comes with comic book based shows/movies.

Eating: I made One Pot Greek Chicken and Rice, which really blew me away.  I think of chicken and rice as being pretty bland and nothing to get excited about, but the rice turns out SO flavorful in this recipe.  I’ll definitely be making this one again, good thing I bought the Costco pack of chicken thighs.  I also made some minestrone soup in the crockpot but it only turned out ok.  Nothing special.

For lunches I had Crunchy Thai Quinoa which was delicious.  I love peanut sauce so, so much.

We tried a new-to-us restaurant in downtown Wilmington on Saturday, The Reel Cafe, but I didn’t love my meal.  I got the Fried Chicken BLT (sounds like something that would be hard to mess up, yes?), but it was just ok.  Nick got the Reuben, which came with house made corned beef, and it was really good.  I think this was a case of me just ordering the “wrong” thing.

Travel: I’ve started making “to-do” lists for our Germany/Austria/Hungary trip.  I like to make a list for each area that we visit and then rank them as “must-do’s” or “maybes”.  I also get a little crazy and list approximate time for each activities and other things that they are near, so we can plan our time most efficiently (it’s the engineer in me).   I’m pretty sure on two excursions we want to do, visit the Dachau prison camp (which is surprisingly easy to get to from Munich, it sounds like) and the Neuschwantsein Castle (huge castle near Munich that the Sleeping Beauty castle at Disney was based on).  I’ll be adding much, much more to this list in the next few weeks!


What are your weekend plans?  Have you watched Arrow?  Does it get less cheesy?  Any recommended must-do’s for Munich?


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