Random Friday #12

Friday Friday Friday!  Another weekend with no travel and minimal plans, I couldn’t be happier.

Me this weekend.  Except my snack of choice certainly won’t be carrot sticks.

My to-do list for the weekend:

  • Finish painting IKEA dressers that I have been harping on about since the beginning of time.  I got one coat on, then it got really cold (like 40 degrees) and I couldn’t motivate myself to hang out in the cold garage for an hour while I got the other coat on.  I also want to get some prints and hang some stuff on the wall in the guest room, then I’m officially calling that room DONE.
  • Assemble the second set of dressers.  Haha, oh that’s right friends, this saga has a second act!  We are using the same base dressers as night stands in our bedroom.  I have no delusions that I’ll finish those this weekend, but I will feel pretty productive if I can at least get them together.
  • Complete my long run for the week, 6 miles.  To me, this is the last long run that is actually somewhat easy to accomplish in a half marathon training cycle.  I can complete it in roughly an hour (ehh…closer to 1.5 hrs including warm-up and cool down, but who’s counting) and don’t have to block off a whole weekend morning, I don’t need to worry about bringing my handheld water bottle or fuel.  I can also enjoyably run it on one of my familiar trails and I don’t have to do intense research and google mapping to figure out a new route that doesn’t include tons of stop lights, is shaded, etc. etc. (I’m picky and Wilmington doesn’t have a ton of great long running options).  When we get to 7 miles, running officially becomes An Ordeal (and all of the people that regularly run long distances and marathons are laughing to themselves right now).


Reading: The Girl on the Train.  It’s definitely got me sucked in so far (I’m roughly 110 pages in), but I can’t get over how much second-hand embarrassment I feel for the main character.  I’m constantly setting the book down so that I can face-palm and just simmer in the cringeworthiness.  GIRL, come on.  Have some gd respect for yourself.

lucille ball crings.gif

Watching: I finished season 3 of Vikings on Amazon Prime in approx 3 days (would have probably been 2, but our internet was out for like 24 hours this week).  I love that show so much.  I love anything related to historical fiction and I don’t know a lot about the vikings and this period of history (so it’s TOTALLY educational).  And also there are kick-ass women in this show (I like to think I would be a Lagertha if I had lived in that time.  I want to be a she-warrior for the kickass braids alone.  Although, if I’m being honest with myself, I’d probably be a Siggy, “Lol no, you guys go ahead and fight, I’ll just hang out here and like, cook and watch all the kids.”).  And also, Rollo:


We’ve also started Making a Murderer on Netflix, but I find that I really have to be in the mood to enjoy that.  It’s not exactly light, fluffy entertainment and I feel like I need to pay attention more than I normally would.  I also feel like it’s going to end in the same way that Serial did, and I’m not really prepared to invest a ton of time for that sort of ending.  I hate it when I don’t love things that everyone else is going crazy about.  I feel so left out, wah!

Eating: I made this recipe for Steak Braciole this past weekend, and it was pretty delicious while also ridiculously high in points.  Also, when did flank steak become super expensive?  At my local grocery store it was $12/lb, and that was the sale price.  I thought flank steak was supposed to be a generally tough, undesirable cut of meat??  I also had some chicken picatta of course, and threw together some shrimp stir fry for the rest of the week.  I’ve been craving mexican food lately, so a trip to our fav mexican place (k38 for any Wilmington peeps) might be on the schedule for the weekend.

Travel: We booked our apartments for our trip in May!  We officially decided to stay 3 nights in Vienna, 3 nights in Budapest, and 4 nights in Munich.  I’m so glad to check this off of my to-do list, now to get the fun stuff, planning our activities!  I’d love to hear any tips and advice you guys have on those locales!

What are your weekend plans??  What is your currently looming project that you just can’t seem to finish (like my dressers)?  


3 thoughts on “Random Friday #12

  1. My weekend was about the same as yours. I had the weekend off from work so we did some cleaning, watched the walking dead, and I finally started reading All The Light We Cannot See that has been sitting on my bookshelf for months! I watched the first 3 episodes of Vikings but I just couldn’t get into it! Maybe I will try one more time since so many people love it! Ohh that sounds like an amazing trip I cant wait to read all about it! I just finished booking our tickets to Florida, first time going to Disney World, Woohoo!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I started reading All the Light We Cannot See a few months ago, but couldn’t get through it before I had to return it! It’s on my list to re-check out haha. I’ll be bugging you when you are done to see if it’s worth it.

      Disney World, that will be so fun! I haven’t been in a long time, but there are so many Disney resources out there. Are you doing all or just some of the parks? Any side trips to Harry Potter World 🙂 ?

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I’m only about 4 chapters in but I’ll definitely tell you if its worth it! Yes there are, Ive been reading The Blonde Abroad experience there and some others on Pinterest! Yep were doing all 4 and both Harry Potter Worlds! Luckily were going in the off season so it’s not to expensive(:


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